Emoji Symbols
การใช้ Emoji Symbols
การใช้ค่า Decimal จะนำหน้าด้วย และลงท้ายด้วย ;
การใช้ค่า Hex จะนำหน้าด้วย และลงท้ายด้วย ;
การใช้ค่า Decimal จะนำหน้าด้วย และลงท้ายด้วย ;
การใช้ค่า Hex จะนำหน้าด้วย และลงท้ายด้วย ;
Money Symbols
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
💰 | 128176 | 1F4B0 | Money bag |
💱 | 128177 | 1F4B1 | Currency exchange |
💲 | 128178 | 1F4B2 | Dollar sign |
💳 | 128179 | 1F4B3 | Credit card |
💴 | 128180 | 1F4B4 | Banknote yen |
💵 | 128181 | 1F4B5 | Banknote dollar |
💶 | 128182 | 1F4B6 | Banknote euro |
💷 | 128183 | 1F4B7 | Banknote pound |
💸 | 128184 | 1F4B8 | Money with wings |
💹 | 128185 | 1F4B9 | Upward trend yen |
Religious Symbols
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
⛪ | 9962 | 26EA | Church |
📿 | 128255 | 1F4FF | Prayer Beads |
🕋 | 128331 | 1F54B | Kaaba |
🕌 | 128332 | 1F54C | Mosque |
🕍 | 128333 | 1F54D | Synagogue |
🕎 | 128334 | 1F54E | Menorah |
🛕 | 128725 | 1F6D5 | Hindu temple |
🔯 | 128303 | 1F52F | Six pointed star |
🕀 | 128320 | 1F540 | Circled cross pomme |
🕁 | 128321 | 1F541 | Half-circled cross pomme |
🕂 | 128322 | 1F542 | Cross Pomme |
🕃 | 128323 | 1F543 | Left semicircle |
🕄 | 128324 | 1F544 | Right semicircle |
🕅 | 128325 | 1F545 | Marks Chapter |
🕆 | 128326 | 1F546 | White latin cross |
🕇 | 128327 | 1F547 | Black latin cross |
🕈 | 128328 | 1F548 | Celtic cross |
🕉 | 128329 | 1F549 | Om symbol |
🕊 | 128330 | 1F54A | Peace dove |
Tool Symbols
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
🔍 | 128269 | 1F50D | Left magnifying glass |
🔎 | 128270 | 1F50E | Right magnifying glass |
🔏 | 128271 | 1F50F | Lock with pen |
🔐 | 128272 | 1F510 | Lock with key |
🔑 | 128273 | 1F511 | Key |
🔒 | 128274 | 1F512 | Lock |
🔓 | 128275 | 1F513 | Open lock |
🔦 | 128294 | 1F526 | Electrick torch |
🔧 | 128295 | 1F527 | Wrench |
🔨 | 128296 | 1F528 | Hammer |
🔩 | 128297 | 1F529 | Nut and bolt |
🔬 | 128300 | 1F52C | Microscope |
🔭 | 128301 | 1F52D | Telescope |
🧭 | 129517 | 1F9ED | Compass |
🧰 | 129520 | 1F9F0 | Toolbox |
🧲 | 129522 | 1F9F2 | Magnet |
Circles and Squares
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
🔲 | 128306 | 1F532 | Black square button |
🔳 | 128307 | 1F533 | White square button |
🔴 | 128308 | 1F534 | Large red circle |
🔵 | 128309 | 1F535 | Large blue circle |
🔶 | 128310 | 1F536 | Large orange diamond |
🔷 | 128311 | 1F537 | Large blue diamond |
🔸 | 128312 | 1F538 | Small orange diamond |
🔹 | 128313 | 1F539 | Small blue diamond |
🔺 | 128314 | 1F53A | Up red triangle |
🔻 | 128315 | 1F53B | Down red triangle |
Buttons and Signs
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
🔘 | 128280 | 1F518 | Radio button |
🔙 | 128281 | 1F519 | Back with arrow |
🔚 | 128282 | 1F51A | End with arrow |
🔛 | 128283 | 1F51B | On with arrows |
🔜 | 128284 | 1F51C | Soon with arrow |
🔝 | 128285 | 1F51D | Top with arrow |
🔞 | 128286 | 1F51E | No one under 18 |
🔟 | 128287 | 1F51F | Keykap ten |
🔠 | 128288 | 1F520 | Input capital letters |
🔡 | 128289 | 1F521 | Input small letters |
🔢 | 128290 | 1F522 | Input numbers |
🔣 | 128291 | 1F523 | Input symbols |
🔤 | 128292 | 1F524 | Input letters |
Other Symbols
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
🏻 | 127995 | 1F3FB | Emoji Modifier 1-2 |
🏼 | 127996 | 1F3FC | Emoji Modifier 3 |
🏽 | 127997 | 1F3FD | Emoji Modifier 4 |
🏾 | 127998 | 1F3FE | Emoji Modifier 5 |
🏿 | 127999 | 1F3FF | Emoji Modifier 6 |
💠 | 128160 | 1F4A0 | Diamond |
💡 | 128161 | 1F4A1 | Light bulb |
💢 | 128162 | 1F4A2 | Anger |
💣 | 128163 | 1F4A3 | Bomb |
💥 | 128165 | 1F4A5 | Collision |
💦 | 128166 | 1F4A6 | Splashing Sweat |
💧 | 128167 | 1F4A7 | Droplet |
💨 | 128168 | 1F4A8 | Dash |
🔔 | 128276 | 1F514 | Bell |
🔕 | 128277 | 1F515 | No bell |
🔖 | 128278 | 1F516 | Bookmark |
🔗 | 128279 | 1F517 | Link |
🔥 | 128293 | 1F525 | Fire |
🔫 | 128299 | 1F52B | Pistol |
🔮 | 128302 | 1F52E | Crystal ball |
🔰 | 128304 | 1F530 | Japnese beginner |
🔱 | 128305 | 1F531 | Trident emblem |
🧪 | 129514 | 1F9EA | Test tube |
🧫 | 129515 | 1F9EB | Petri dish |
🧬 | 129516 | 1F9EC | DNA |
🧮 | 129518 | 1F9EE | Abacus |
🧯 | 129519 | 1F9EF | Fire extinguiser |
🧱 | 129521 | 1F9F1 | Bricks |
🧳 | 129523 | 1F9F3 | Luggage |
🧴 | 129524 | 1F9F4 | Lotion bottle |
🧵 | 129525 | 1F9F5 | Spool of tread |
🧶 | 129526 | 1F9F6 | Ball of Yarn |
🧷 | 129527 | 1F9F7 | Safety pin |
🧸 | 129528 | 1F9F8 | Teddy bear |
🧹 | 129529 | 1F9F9 | Broom |
🧺 | 129530 | 1F9FA | Basket |
🧻 | 129531 | 1F9FB | Paper roll |
🧼 | 129532 | 1F9FC | Soap bar |
🧽 | 129533 | 1F9FD | Sponge |
🧾 | 129534 | 1F9FE | Receipt |
🧿 | 129535 | 1F9FF | Nazar Amulet |
Misc Black and White Symbols
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
🏱 | 127985 | 1F3F1 | White Pennant |
🏲 | 127986 | 1F3F2 | Black Pennant |
🏳 | 127987 | 1F3F3 | White flag |
🏴 | 127988 | 1F3F4 | Black flag |
🏵 | 127989 | 1F3F5 | White Rosette |
🏶 | 127990 | 1F3F6 | Black Rosette |
🏷 | 127991 | 1F3F7 | Label |
🕭 | 128365 | 1F56D | Ringing bell |
🕮 | 128366 | 1F56E | Book |
🕯 | 128367 | 1F56F | Candle |
🕰 | 128368 | 1F570 | Mantelpiece clock |
🕱 | 128369 | 1F571 | Black skull and bones |
🕲 | 128370 | 1F572 | No Piracy |
🕳 | 128371 | 1F573 | Hole |
🕶 | 128374 | 1F576 | Sunglasses |
🕹 | 128377 | 1F579 | Joystick |